Tuesday, February 19, 2008

American Made Skateboard Products

There are a lot of skate products made in China and this is the only way a skateboard shop can survive these days. The products from China keep the price of a new school complete down to a reasonable price that is affordable for the new kids getting into the sport of skateboarding.. I sold skateboards in the 1980's and the completes I sell today are less money than an Old School complete in 1986. China products are ok for new skaters and beginners but once you become a seasoned skateboarder, I recommend buying American made skateboard products. Here are a few American made skate products I recommend

Randal Trucks ---- http://www.randal.com/

American made skateboard products help our economy, it gives jobs to the locals, and the quality control is much better.

Pics courtesy of Abec 11 and Randal

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Marc's Board Shop planned events for the summer

.........Go Skateboarding day --- June 21st -- TBA. Go Skateboarding Day is on Saturday this year so the weekend will be big!! I need some volunteers to help me out, talk to some businesses (ex. Pepsi, Coke) , local bands, and churches to get involved in Go Skateboarding Day. Lets make it big!!

...........Komen Skate-A- Thon----- The Komen (breast cancer) running race attracts over 2000 runners and spectators and this year I'm planning on having a skate-a-thon which will be 3.1 miles (5k) race along the smooth Kanawha Boulevard pavement. There will be two classes. Regular new school skateboard class for 17 and under and 18 and over longboard(Old School) class. Hopefully this race will happen, I will know as soon as the director of the Komen Race contacts me. To get in shape for the skate-a-thon, I highly recommend Skogging. Skogging is a funny word but what it means is skateboard jogging. You alternate pushing legs so you don't tire the muscles in your pushing leg(most skateboarders push with one leg) . To learn more on Skogging , check out http://www.skogging.com/ . Skogging was invented by 1970's pro skateboarder Chris Yandall and Chris is still active in Skogging and slalom racing. He is promoting his new Skogging board and he is even coming out with a new Skogging shoe. Chris has been known to travel over 100 miles in one day by using his Skogging technique. As Chris would say "Cut the Jive and Jog"

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Go Skateboarding Day is Saturday June 21st

Jack Smith is advertising Go Skateboarding day on his Blog http://theskateboardersjournal.blogspot.com/ . Jack's Blog is really cool so check it out. Jack is a professional slalom skateboarder, had a part in the Lords of Dogtown movie, and rode his skateboard across USA to raise money for his sons charity.

Go skateboarding day is June 21st and it is on a Saturday. Marc's Board Shop is planning a huge demo and cookout on this day. I will keep you updated. Hopefully we can get some of the local businesses to join in and help out with food and volunteers. Last year's Go Skateboarding day Marc's Board Shop held a skateboard contest at the Bible Center Church and it was a success. Hopefully this year will be even bigger.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Classic Skateboard Videos coming to Marc's Board Shop

These 80's skateboard VHS videos from Santa Cruz are the best and will be available at Marc's Board Shop in the near future. These videos will be priced way below the retail price so get your copy today.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

NEW Graphic Grip tape at Marc's Board Shop

The new graphic tape looks great and is now available at Marc's Board Shop. Some colors may not be in stock at all times. The pic at the top is my new freestyle board with the new checkered grip tape. Too Cool !!!