Friday, August 3, 2007

Salih Muhammad Backside Flip at Coonskin

This pic is courtesy of Salih's dad, James Muhammad. Salih is a local skater from Charleston who can be seen at Coonskin park on most weekends. Salih is a straight A student and has been featured in local tv shows and newspaper articles. . His smooth style and natural ability landed him a sponsorship with One Love Skateshop in Kettering Ohio (the home of the famous Skate Plaza) and his newest sponsor Sport Mart of Charleston. Here Salih is caught in the middle of a backside flip at Coonskin Skatepark. With tricks like this and the support of his father, Salih will have a bright future in skateboarding

1 comment:

DadOfSalih said...

Marc is the man!!!! He's one of my son's favorite skaters.

Salih's Dad
(I do have a name, but no one in skateboarding would know who I was if I used it)