Monday, April 7, 2008

Marc's Board is going Retro is going Retro all the way!! Tons of new stuff ordered. Marc's Mobile Board Shop will also be carrying the old school stuff. As Jeff says "Catch the van if you can". Pick is of new Tony Mag, H -street deck with a 16" wheelbase. Now that is what I'm talking about

  1. H -street Tony Mag "Hell Concave" it will make your feet hurt

  2. Randal Trucks

  3. Bennett Trucks

  4. Tunnel wheels and decks

  5. Z Flex Jay Adams Decks

  6. Retro wheels

  7. Black Label black rails

  8. Oust bearings

  9. Alva Tri Logo decks

  10. Zip Zinger cruiser decks

  11. Tracker Slalom trucks

  12. Tracker Midtrack Freestyle Trucks

  13. 3dm slalom wheels
  14. Gravity Longboards
  15. Powell Reissue decks
  16. Rat Bones Wheels
  17. Indy trucks
  18. Bones bearings
  19. Abec11 wheels

1 comment:

Jeff said...

The H-Street board is wicked. That looks like the same shape Magnusson you rode during the famed "obstacade" contest. Look here...